Follow the steps below to register a new account on DronesTube platform:

1. Login/Register:

    • On the top right corner of platform  click the login button.

If you are using a smart phone or tablet

2. On the Login/Register page: There are two ways to SignUp/Register to get started.

  • SignUp/Register quickly with one click using your google account, or.
  • Click Register: below the “Continue with Google” button

3. Select Membership:

Next you will be redirected to a membership selection page. Click the Select Button to select your DronesTube membership plan based on your needs.

On the Membership Level page, review account features, scroll down, and enter the following details to finalize your account creation.

      • Username: Choose a unique username that will be used to identify you on the site.
      • Password: Create a strong and secure password. Ensure it meets any specified criteria (e.g., 12 characters minimum length, a combination of uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters).
      • Email Address: Provide a valid email address. This is often used for account verification and communication.

4. Agree to our Terms of Service:

Read our website’s use terms of service. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking the “I Agree to Terms of Service” button if you agree with them.

5. Submit Your Registration:

After filling out the registration form and completing any necessary verification steps, click the “Submit and Confirm”  button to create your account.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully registered for your DronesTube membership account. Now you login and view the dashboard, upload videos, and start enjoying all that DronesTube has to offer!